O Allah,My 2012 has been Super-Duper heartbreaking miserable year for me.Let 2013 be a Good One for me pls Allah PLEASE.
So far, January is a major Pain-in-the-effing-ASS.Don't make me hating 2013 too early Allah. I'm begging u. Amin.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Jumpa keratan info ni tadi. Thought nak share with u guys since me & my besties selalu bermusafir ke sana sini. Baca yuk!
Sunnah nabi ketika bermusafir
Berikut adalah sunnah-sunnah nabi ketika bermusafir seperti yang disebut dalam salah satu siri program Fattabiouni di TV Alhijrah:
1) Niat dan tujuan bermusafir mestilah baik.
2) Sebelum bertolak atau keluar dari rumah, kerjakanlah solat sunat dua rakaat.
3) Nabi lebih suka bermusafir pada hari Khamis. Baginda tidak suka bermusafir pada hari Jumaat kerana dikhuatiri terlepas Solat Jumaat.
4) Nabi juga menggalakkan kita memulakan perjalanan pada waktu malam. Selain perjalanan menjadi lebih mudah, jarak juga terasa lebih singkat jika bermusafir pada waktu malam.
5) Bawa bersama beg kecil untuk mengisi barangan keperluan asas. Nabi ketika bermusafir sering membawa siwak, sikat, cermin, celak dan kayu wangi yang dipanggil Al-Midra.
6) Ucap selamat tinggal kepada keluarga dan memohon perlindungan daripada Allah SWT.
7) Minta pada sesiapa untuk doakan kesejahteraan kita. Nabi sendiri meminta para sahabat mendoakan untuknya.
8) Apabila keluar rumah, baca Bismillah.
9) Apabila mula menaiki kenderaan, berdoalah dan sentiasa berzikir.
10) Sunat bermusafir secara berkumpulan. Salah seorang perlu dilantik menjadi ketua agar perjalanan menjadi lebih tersusun dan teratur.
11) Bertakbir ketika naik ke paras yang tinggi dan bertasbih ketika turun ke paras rendah. Seperti contoh, apabila kapal terbang berlepas dan mula terbang, ketika itu bertakbirlah. Manakala ketika ia mula turun, bertasbihlah.
12) Mendengar nyanyian (nyanyian musafir/Al-Huda) juga digalakkan. Nabi gemar mendengar nyanyian ketika dalam perjalanan kerana ingin menghidupkan suasana yang ceria dan baik.
13) Setiap kali memasuki sesuatu kawasan atau sesebuah negara, berdoalah kepada Allah agar dipermudahkan segala urusan.
14) Bawa hadiah ketika pulang daripada bermusafir untuk ahli keluarga, sanak-saudara dan rakan-rakan.
Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Bluerghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HAH!
haaa camtu obatnye. Ye, saye rasa sgt padat harini.Otaq,masa,kudrat semua dihempok-disiat-sempit-ketat.Gitoh.
I'm feeling 'it' now.Hell yeah sizzling hot niggah! Been away meeting from Dewan Perdana FELDA to PWTC discussing about my new program with the colan-colan VVIP harini mmg menguji 'ke-Bluran' otaq sekejap bila dah hampir sebulan ini ber-'Honeymoon month' Hambeklah obatkan?
Walaupon agak gementar pada awalnya, Alhamdulillah settle jugak perbincangan around 5:30pm. Balik merempuh Jalan sedikit sesak sudah menjadi asam garam duk KL.
Overall it was smooth sailing.But Somehow there is the 'thang' that keep on bothering me the whole day. The delayed emotion that rises without me noticing. WTF lah kan?Haih tho keep on telling myself 'it's okayyyyyy babe.buang buang buang pi longkang' but, It's still stood there nicely.like OhBabeenya! i know right? gahhhh uh nevermind.
So, My conclusion of the Tantalizing Tuesday is - PENING. Kbai.
Ps:/ Tadi kejung & honoured dikelilingi wanita2 hebat Negara.100% ingin jadi seperti mereka.10% rasa sgt tak layak duduk semeja dan bercakap bahasa pasar with them. ah but then, They are All Human beings also kan? Layankan saje dgn berhemah.
haaa camtu obatnye. Ye, saye rasa sgt padat harini.Otaq,masa,kudrat semua dihempok-disiat-sempit-ketat.Gitoh.
I'm feeling 'it' now.Hell yeah sizzling hot niggah! Been away meeting from Dewan Perdana FELDA to PWTC discussing about my new program with the colan-colan VVIP harini mmg menguji 'ke-Bluran' otaq sekejap bila dah hampir sebulan ini ber-'Honeymoon month' Hambeklah obatkan?
Walaupon agak gementar pada awalnya, Alhamdulillah settle jugak perbincangan around 5:30pm. Balik merempuh Jalan sedikit sesak sudah menjadi asam garam duk KL.
Overall it was smooth sailing.But Somehow there is the 'thang' that keep on bothering me the whole day. The delayed emotion that rises without me noticing. WTF lah kan?Haih tho keep on telling myself 'it's okayyyyyy babe.buang buang buang pi longkang' but, It's still stood there nicely.like OhBabeenya! i know right? gahhhh uh nevermind.
So, My conclusion of the Tantalizing Tuesday is - PENING. Kbai.
Ps:/ Tadi kejung & honoured dikelilingi wanita2 hebat Negara.100% ingin jadi seperti mereka.10% rasa sgt tak layak duduk semeja dan bercakap bahasa pasar with them. ah but then, They are All Human beings also kan? Layankan saje dgn berhemah.
So, How's your day dude?
Monday, January 28, 2013
Harini group whatsapp Sahabat AAKianz ( Ada Aku Kesah) saya hangat berkisar sang sardin.Yeup! Ikan sardin dalam tin bersos tomato kegemaran semua dari dulu sampai sekarang.
Haa nak dijadikan cerita, bermulanya dari satu keping gambar masakan gulai cili api sardin dari Cik Puan Syued Nurul Syuhada telah menjadikan semua rakan2 AAK sawan sardin semuanya haha.
oleh disebabkan gulai sardin itu, bermulalah seorang demi seorang para sahabat yang tak tahan terlior melihat gambar gulai sardin Syued telah bernekad memasak gulai sardin juga harini. Syued & kak Tete tidak lokek berkongsi resepi masakan & yang paling comel, sesi mengajar Ajieb masak hanya menggunakan whatsapp! haha betapa teknologi menguasai segalanya kini.
Yang paling awal memasak gulai sardin ialah Ajieb & yah! percubaan pertama beliau menjadi ye anak-anak! Kudos ajiboy! caya sama lu.
Kemudian Kak Tete & Meg pon turut memasak gulai sardin ptg tadi untuk santapan makan malam. hehe saya pon tak terkecuali. Alhamdulillah rezeki dapat makan gulai sardin pemberian Kak Tete yang Mantopz itu. Tq so much kak Tete susah susah je menghantar ke rumah td. Burpppp! Alhamdulilah sedap! ;D
Haa begitulah penangan sekeping gambar makanan yang di Share di Whatsapp. Kami semua mmg suka makan huhu beruntungnya diri dikelilingi rakan2 yang saling tidak lokek ilmu dalam apa jua hal. dari sebesar-besar hal sehinggalah ke hal yg comel masak memasak ini.Saling ingat mengingati & bantu membantu sesama sahabat adalah kunci untuk kekal bersahabat selamanya.
Ok! mari kita tgk masakan Gulai Sardin para sahabat kesayangan hamba di bawah ini hehe jom!
Haa nak dijadikan cerita, bermulanya dari satu keping gambar masakan gulai cili api sardin dari Cik Puan Syued Nurul Syuhada telah menjadikan semua rakan2 AAK sawan sardin semuanya haha.
oleh disebabkan gulai sardin itu, bermulalah seorang demi seorang para sahabat yang tak tahan terlior melihat gambar gulai sardin Syued telah bernekad memasak gulai sardin juga harini. Syued & kak Tete tidak lokek berkongsi resepi masakan & yang paling comel, sesi mengajar Ajieb masak hanya menggunakan whatsapp! haha betapa teknologi menguasai segalanya kini.
Yang paling awal memasak gulai sardin ialah Ajieb & yah! percubaan pertama beliau menjadi ye anak-anak! Kudos ajiboy! caya sama lu.
Kemudian Kak Tete & Meg pon turut memasak gulai sardin ptg tadi untuk santapan makan malam. hehe saya pon tak terkecuali. Alhamdulillah rezeki dapat makan gulai sardin pemberian Kak Tete yang Mantopz itu. Tq so much kak Tete susah susah je menghantar ke rumah td. Burpppp! Alhamdulilah sedap! ;D
Haa begitulah penangan sekeping gambar makanan yang di Share di Whatsapp. Kami semua mmg suka makan huhu beruntungnya diri dikelilingi rakan2 yang saling tidak lokek ilmu dalam apa jua hal. dari sebesar-besar hal sehinggalah ke hal yg comel masak memasak ini.Saling ingat mengingati & bantu membantu sesama sahabat adalah kunci untuk kekal bersahabat selamanya.
Ok! mari kita tgk masakan Gulai Sardin para sahabat kesayangan hamba di bawah ini hehe jom!
Inilah punca semua sawan Sardin harini. Gambar Gulai Sardin Syued ;p
Punca segalanya.
Bahan WAJIB!
Ajieb's Gulai Sardin inda making.Woohoo
His 1st attempt succeed! Kudos!
This was kak Tete's Gulai Sardin i received just now. TQ kak Ttee.SEDAP!
Nasi Panas + Gulai Sardin + acar buah=HEAVEN.
Ni Meg punya!
Tamatlah kisah Sardin hari ini.
Kamu makan apa harini?
Walaupon Batuk masih mencengkam paru-paru & memeritkan tekak ni, i still go to the park today. Sudah menjadi kemestian ke Taman Lembah Kiara di hujung minggu jika tidak busy shooting or ada hal lain.
So ke taman lah saya tadi petang. But i'm not running just walk around the nature & ehem ehem coci mata session of cause hehe. Nah, not My major intention tho. Well, today i do sweats like a pig.Hell Yeah.Dan harini jugak tak pernah2 berjalan non-stop 6 round around the park dikala tidak begitu sehat lak tu? Crazy huh? nasib je tak pengsan tgh2 hutan atas tu huhu. *Over plak imaginasi?* So far Alhamdulillah ok ok aja dong sayang ;)
It's always Good to be with nature when u are not inda good mood or inda Bad condition or separa sewel or tgh kusut-masai or sebab apa-apa hal sekaliponlah yang merundum jiwa kan? well i don't know about u guys.
But nature does wonders to me when i'm a mess. It clears My mind when i see all the greenish atmosphere around the park or any other recreational place i've been. Gotta see so many people with different caractors, family with kids happily playing football and such.All in All, Free from the negative people & chaoric problem.Aman bukan? ;)
Jadi, jika tgh busan, kusut masai, bengang tak tentu arah, PMS, sakit hati, kecewa yang tah ape-ape, berjimaklah dengan Alam. Pasti lebih tenang. In Shaa Allah!
Here is My Playground!
So ke taman lah saya tadi petang. But i'm not running just walk around the nature & ehem ehem coci mata session of cause hehe. Nah, not My major intention tho. Well, today i do sweats like a pig.Hell Yeah.Dan harini jugak tak pernah2 berjalan non-stop 6 round around the park dikala tidak begitu sehat lak tu? Crazy huh? nasib je tak pengsan tgh2 hutan atas tu huhu. *Over plak imaginasi?* So far Alhamdulillah ok ok aja dong sayang ;)
It's always Good to be with nature when u are not inda good mood or inda Bad condition or separa sewel or tgh kusut-masai or sebab apa-apa hal sekaliponlah yang merundum jiwa kan? well i don't know about u guys.
But nature does wonders to me when i'm a mess. It clears My mind when i see all the greenish atmosphere around the park or any other recreational place i've been. Gotta see so many people with different caractors, family with kids happily playing football and such.All in All, Free from the negative people & chaoric problem.Aman bukan? ;)
Jadi, jika tgh busan, kusut masai, bengang tak tentu arah, PMS, sakit hati, kecewa yang tah ape-ape, berjimaklah dengan Alam. Pasti lebih tenang. In Shaa Allah!
Here is My Playground!
Up the hill
Nature best gift.
a bit slippery after raining.
The Sun playing hide & seek with me :)
People say, One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. yek?
i choose to RUN! LOL
Have a crazy day ahead sweetheart ;)
Beli semalam dengan harapan cepat2 lah sembuh bibir yg luka ni & menambah imunisasi badan yg tak berapa nak ok sangat dah seminggu ni. Saya tak boleh sakit lama-lama. Banyak keje, Meeting, shooting menanti pls! Cepatlah sehat wahai badan & tekak. Amin.
Olala yallz! Happy Holiday semua. Semalam Thaipusam & I was out 24hours with my Besties Cik Emmy huhu.Crazy right? indeed! haha ;p
From 1pm till 1am direncah pelbagai cabaran situasi & emosi. Semalam jugak kesabaran diri acapkali diuji oleh para oink-oink yang bertebaran di ke semua pelusuk kawasan membuat persiapan hari besar mereka.
Cabaran pertama adalah? Jalan Jammmmm nak mati. Nak ke One Utama je kot? haih. dekat 1jam mencari parking akhirnya dapat jugak.
Cabaran kedua? nak mkn sushi.perut dah berkeroncong sumbang namun tetap juga harus beratur menunggu giliran nk makan.like WTHeck? Yup, 20minit kemudian baru kami dapat tempat duduk.Pffff sgt sgt. Disebabkan tekanan melampau dekat jam 3:30ptg baru dpt mkn, we eat like a hungry piglet. lantaklah.
Sesi keluh kesah sayombara basi bersama Cik Emmy disambung dgn sesi menghabiskan fulus yg tak berape nak banyak sgt pon huhu. hampir jam 7pm selesai retail teraphy itu kami terus ke UiTM Shah Alam to watch & give suppot to our BFF Ajieb , Kam & Meg wakil Prisma UiTM to perform for Malaysian Dance Village closing night.
Melihat adik2 ni semua rancak menari tarian tradisional kebanggaan negara membuatkan hati kecil terkenang zaman persekolahan dahulu. Seronok melenggang liur berjoget, berdikir mengikut Kelab Kebudayaan Sekolah bersama rakan2 dulu. *wink* ;)
Dan seperti biasa, Ajieb, Kam & Meg did a great performance as usual! kebabom! Sempat berjoget lambak ditarik Meg haha. The night was superbly entertaining indeed! Good Job guys.
We had our supper after the showcase at Molek Restsurant. Chit chating & laughing here & there with besties was the best thing ever. Tho i'm not 100% recovery yet from My unstabil coughing & fever, i do believe when u surround with Good friends the sickness will dissapear it self without u notice it. Betoi ;)
And there u go My 24 hours of Overwhelmed day with My beloved besties. I do believe, a Good Friends will Brings Out the Good deed in you. So surround yourself with positive & Happy people everytime aight!
I wanna Share some of the Happy moment of me & My besties yesterday. Hope your day is hip & happening too! Be Good & Stay positive! ;))
From 1pm till 1am direncah pelbagai cabaran situasi & emosi. Semalam jugak kesabaran diri acapkali diuji oleh para oink-oink yang bertebaran di ke semua pelusuk kawasan membuat persiapan hari besar mereka.
Cabaran pertama adalah? Jalan Jammmmm nak mati. Nak ke One Utama je kot? haih. dekat 1jam mencari parking akhirnya dapat jugak.
Cabaran kedua? nak mkn sushi.perut dah berkeroncong sumbang namun tetap juga harus beratur menunggu giliran nk makan.like WTHeck? Yup, 20minit kemudian baru kami dapat tempat duduk.Pffff sgt sgt. Disebabkan tekanan melampau dekat jam 3:30ptg baru dpt mkn, we eat like a hungry piglet. lantaklah.
Sesi keluh kesah sayombara basi bersama Cik Emmy disambung dgn sesi menghabiskan fulus yg tak berape nak banyak sgt pon huhu. hampir jam 7pm selesai retail teraphy itu kami terus ke UiTM Shah Alam to watch & give suppot to our BFF Ajieb , Kam & Meg wakil Prisma UiTM to perform for Malaysian Dance Village closing night.
Melihat adik2 ni semua rancak menari tarian tradisional kebanggaan negara membuatkan hati kecil terkenang zaman persekolahan dahulu. Seronok melenggang liur berjoget, berdikir mengikut Kelab Kebudayaan Sekolah bersama rakan2 dulu. *wink* ;)
Dan seperti biasa, Ajieb, Kam & Meg did a great performance as usual! kebabom! Sempat berjoget lambak ditarik Meg haha. The night was superbly entertaining indeed! Good Job guys.
We had our supper after the showcase at Molek Restsurant. Chit chating & laughing here & there with besties was the best thing ever. Tho i'm not 100% recovery yet from My unstabil coughing & fever, i do believe when u surround with Good friends the sickness will dissapear it self without u notice it. Betoi ;)
And there u go My 24 hours of Overwhelmed day with My beloved besties. I do believe, a Good Friends will Brings Out the Good deed in you. So surround yourself with positive & Happy people everytime aight!
I wanna Share some of the Happy moment of me & My besties yesterday. Hope your day is hip & happening too! Be Good & Stay positive! ;))
Sushi Galore after 3 hours of madness to get here!
From Top: Kam.Mok,Ajieb,Meg Me & Emmy.
Ajieb & Meg after performance.AWESOME.
Zapin Oppaaa.Coolio opening
Us, having supper at Molek :)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Like, HELL to the O?
Scorpio's are not the type to be in your face 24/7. We like our space. We pretty much rather deal with you when we wanna deal with you.Paham tak?
Dadah oh Dadah
Today dah masuk hari ke-4 badan tak stabil & di bawah pengaruh dadah yg pelbagai.Oh didn't i tell u guys i got new bunch set of drugs again frm the doctor.Yah! sebab ubat yg lama tu tak kuat & salah. Boley tak? ingat badan aku ni tikus tuk ujikaji ka apa? Pfff
I'm starting to lose My lovely Voice & the coughing is killing me every seconds. Feels like My chest is gonna explode! Gahhh. Sabar dgn ujian & Alhamdulillah dipilih utk menghapus dosa kecil.In Shaa Allah.
Well,hopefully boleh sehatlah mggu depan. Banyak keje menanti ni. And i cannot affords to be sick like this when My Production already started. NO WAY. Oh Tolong Tuhan, sembuh kan aku. Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku. I need the energatic me back to runs My Production smoothly.Amin.
I'm starting to lose My lovely Voice & the coughing is killing me every seconds. Feels like My chest is gonna explode! Gahhh. Sabar dgn ujian & Alhamdulillah dipilih utk menghapus dosa kecil.In Shaa Allah.
Well,hopefully boleh sehatlah mggu depan. Banyak keje menanti ni. And i cannot affords to be sick like this when My Production already started. NO WAY. Oh Tolong Tuhan, sembuh kan aku. Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku. I need the energatic me back to runs My Production smoothly.Amin.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Lemon taste Lemon.
The monday Monster today really put My patience up to the test. Yup, i was disturbed today.Badly. Trying so hard to put aside all the negative feelings i had right after i get the unwanted News was a major headached.
Yes,i am REDHA.Swear, i really do. But yah i'm just a normal Human being tho. I deserved to be a liltle bit down & 10% sad kan? kan? of cause.So i be it.
Come to think of it, i'm pretty sure there's a huge Hikmah behind all these unwanted gift i recieved today.Whatever it is, i am so grateful for everything i have. Alhamdulillah.
Ps: oh Hello to the Mr. obstacle. Miss me alot innit? Welcome back! *pfff*
Yes,i am REDHA.Swear, i really do. But yah i'm just a normal Human being tho. I deserved to be a liltle bit down & 10% sad kan? kan? of cause.So i be it.
Come to think of it, i'm pretty sure there's a huge Hikmah behind all these unwanted gift i recieved today.Whatever it is, i am so grateful for everything i have. Alhamdulillah.
Ps: oh Hello to the Mr. obstacle. Miss me alot innit? Welcome back! *pfff*
It's Freaking Monday? F.

Monday ALWAYS been blame for all of us being so darn BLUES.Kesian.Hari ISNIN itu tidak salah langsung. But our mentality & surroundings yang buat Si Isnin sangat berdosa.
I think this is actually my 1st entry for 2013 yang i really feels like mencarut a bit haha.Funny.No, it's NOT.Serius tak? Serius Tak? LOL.Anyhoo peeps! how's your days so far? is 2013 treatin u good? Hope so.Mine? humm so-so lah but it was great so far.Alhamdulillah.
I know its a little too late to sum about 2012 but ah what-the-heck lah kan? Well, My 2012 has been SUPER-DUPER CHAOTIC & Challenging indeed. I lost my beloved GrandMomma June last year.Yeup.It was uber devastating moment ever. Been bashing with lots of ups & DOWN with life,family,love,sickening do's & Don't throughout the year nearly making me insane actually. But again that is LIFE innit? and the best part is? i SURVIVED yo! Amin.
Oklah, my mind was wondering around today. Wasn't in the purely center to even warm up with tons of works.SEBAB? 1) Mondaylah (cliche aight?) 2) MASA itu sudah mai lah huhu = The Devil Mr.Appraisal Gah! Expect nothing.That is the best solution. Redha & bersyukur rezeki apa yang dapat gitu.BAiklah. *Saiko diri*
Whatever u do people, LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN to this,
"You can NEVER progress if you are letting things that don't deserve your attention continue to bring you DOWN"
Be Good & Have a nice day ahead.
Friday, January 18, 2013
No one can go back, but everyone can go forward.
And tomorrow, when the sun rises, all you have to say to yourself is:
i am going to think of this day as the first day of my life.
I will look on the members of my family with surprise and amazement, glad to discover that they are by my side, silently sharing that little understood thing called LOVE.
And tomorrow, when the sun rises, all you have to say to yourself is:
i am going to think of this day as the first day of my life.
I will look on the members of my family with surprise and amazement, glad to discover that they are by my side, silently sharing that little understood thing called LOVE.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Dessert is My Middle name.
My advice to you is not to inquire WHY or WHITHER,but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate. That's my philosophy.
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