TQ.4.Dropping by. Fellas!

Tick! Tock!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Panadol is a commercial preparation of acetaminophen (paracetamol). It high a low therapeutic index, which means that toxic doses aren't too much more than therpeutic doses.

The liver normally metabolises the drug by producing enxymes that conjugate it - in essence join several molecules of it together. This is harmless and can be excreted by the body as normal.

However, if you take a toxic dose, the normal enzymes are working flat out to conjugate it but cannot keep up with the sheer volume you have taken - they are said to be saturated. So another group of enzymes take up the slack, called the mixed function oxidases. Great. However, they metabolise the drug into a toxic form called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine.

So now your turning the drug into a toxic substance. In order to inactivate this toxic metabolite, you conjugate it with a chemical called glutathione. OK, so now now fine again. But glutathione reserves run out quite quickly.

So now you're getting a buildup of this toxic substance that your liver is creating. It starts to react with the cells in your body, especially in the liver and kidneys, killing them.

Acute paracetamol poisoning in common in the UK and the treatment is well established - gastric lavage to wash out the stomach to prevent more being absorbed followed by activated charcoal which binds to any remaining paracetamol. If the patient has only just taken the overdose you can give acetylcystine or methionine which helps to raise the glutathione levels to increase inactivation of the toxin.

However if more than 12 hours have elapsed since taking the overdose, the prognosis is not good at all. Early symptoms include nausea and vomiting. The liver damage occurs about a day or two after. Since the liver has hundreds of functions, the symptoms are vast, but can include damage to the brain due to buildup of ammonia, and bleeding internally due to lack of clotting factors. Severe liver damage is lethal in a matter of days.

Read more:
What does an overdose of panadol do to your liver? (Answers do not have to be serious or educated...) | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/108170#ixzz112E2OjNh

OK *Fark! its totally disturbing reading all the facts.
Hump sumpah takot pliz &&& 100% scared but definitely no regrets tho.
Tak mo dah.tak mo dah.tak mo dah.Really.

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