TQ.4.Dropping by. Fellas!

Tick! Tock!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hump @_@

Xanax is a BAD drug, and should not be used unless you absolutely CANNOT cope with your current situation in life, or are suffering from EXTREME post-traumatic disorder...

It is a Benzodiazepine and MADLY addictive... It wears off every 6 hrs (unless you take the time release kind) and you will shake and have withdrawal symptoms when you dont keep on taking it...

Sooner than you know it, you will be addicted, even though you didnt ask for it or want to be...

You will be dependent on it quickly, you will sleep all of the time and your memory will be horrible, The drug gives you the same feeling as being drunk, so you will often say and do things you normally would not...


I thought I was pregnant once while on Xanax, and I quit cold turkey, I was up for 4 days with absolutely NO sleep, I was shaking and not eating and my body was so tired but I was not...Sheer horror...Not a wink of sleep for that long, I ended up in the hospital because I did not know what I was going to do...

Hallucinations are common with this drug, I still struggle time and again with these...

I am now off of the drug, one year sober...Although my Dr gave them to me, it was still more than I bargained for...

I have terrifying panic attacks again, but I would rather suffer any day with them, than have to endure the effects of Xanax ever again...

Thanks, hope this helps you...

Oh dear... no wonder.no wonder.sighs~ @_@

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