TQ.4.Dropping by. Fellas!

Tick! Tock!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Me down-flat-totally collapse with High-FEVER.
Yup, very High fever this time around. tangan aku dah boleh jadi seterika kain dah panasnye. hump @_@
Lama dah tak demam panas teruk camni rase cam nk mati pon ade.
Seratus tambah & air badak menjadi teman setia & of coz bergelen2 air aku minom nk buang panas badan. Haihhh dugaan2. I cannot afford to get sick like this. so many work awaits to be done in limited time.Selama ni sakit asyik tahan je,bila dah demam teruk camni terus tumbang!

Am prayin hard that tomorow this fever will go away so that i can get myself back to work. NEED to settle my work ASAP no choice given.

Oh Plz Tuhan, sembuhkanlah aku dari penyakit ni, byk benda & tanggungjawab yg perlu aku selesaikan & time is running out.Aku mohon padaMU-Amin.

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