TQ.4.Dropping by. Fellas!

Tick! Tock!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Fucking ‘L’ word. Mane kau?

In my 26 years (Yes, TUA itu mengejar aku!) In this world. I’ve laughed and I’ve cried, I’ve tried and I’ve fallen, I’ve received and I’ve lost, I’ve lived and I’ve loved. Yet, the one fucking thang that keeps me constantly ‘GILA’ with confusion is the Fucking ‘L’ word! Yes, I’ve come to find that LOVE, the most overly EXHAUSTED word in the English language, agree with me? (I don’t really care whether u agree or not tho :P)

As a child, my mind fed off of Disney movies and storybook ending the “HAPPILY-EVER-AFTER” thang-lah. I dreamed of the day my ‘Pince Charming’ (taller than I am, ala-ala Takeshi and handsome, of coz lah kan?) would riding a horse, ke Istanaku, shower me with red roses and panjat tingkap aku and jerit cam tarzan, “ Phyzha! Phyzha! Let down your hair sayang”, than culik aku lari pi rumah ‘roti-halia’ (gingerbread house-lah!) dan aku akan HIDUP BAHAGIA SAMPAI MATI? Yek? Hmm…My memory seems to have failed me. That’s not quite the dream, but it was sumthing of the sort-lah. Korang sure boleh gelak kat aku punye childhood fantasies. TETAPI The wonderful World of Disney proved to have NO FALSE testimonies fellas!.

Akan tetapi fantasi selalunya sukar menjadi kenyataan, biarpun kalau ada, boleh dihitung dengan jari. Yet, the TUA I get, the more I find that I’ve been blessed ( I supposed u could call it that) with the heart that is quickly to fall in love. I’ve learned that there really is a time when u find someone who seems to share the same hopes and dreams as u are- someone to whom u give ur heart. And that is how I’ve learned the PAIN of a BROKEN HEART. (ah, aku benci part ni)

I must admit, for “CHENTA_ANAK_HANJENG” a.k.a puppy-love the pain at the time seems never-ending. But soon, u learnt to PICK UP THE PIECES OF YOUR SHATTERED HEART, Gam-kan elok-elok balik, (guna Gam Gajah) into almost what your HEART was before (But then again, I’ve found that ONCE broken, it’s NEVER quite the same.Duh?). And then we became more careful and mengidap syndrome ‘Miss-Very-Berhati-Hati-Takot-Terkena-lagi’ about which ‘Romeos’ or ‘Abang Arjuna’ u tend to fall for.Adoi.

Oi! Letih Oi!

U know what? I’ve got a lot of life to live, and love yet to give. Though I could be practical and search for the sensible-Sempoi-Matured-Funny-Crazie guy. I’ll still turn my head when my heart starts to beat faster than a drum roll of my ‘Abg METALLICA’ played. I’m still waiting for my Prince Charming. He’s out there somewhere… kotz?

(But then again, where the FUCK are u? Stop playin all this game will ya? Just quickly snatch me over and ran away with your white horse and make me HAPPY-EVER_AFTER-lah! Dammit).

Mane kau? mane? mane? *Sighs!*


orked said...

L.O.V.E!! ade ker ‘Prince Charming’ dlm dunia nie!! but once u found the rite person u will be married my dear sister..dun worry ma!! maybe he will be ur ‘Prince Charming’ even not perfect tho...

MizzPhyz said...

heheh.. yup! betoi! betoi! AmiN!